

  • Location: Deventer, Netherlands
  • Branche: IT

Activities LeadMasters

  • Lead Follow-Up
  • Qualifying Leads
  • Scheduling Qualified Leads for Physical Sales Appointments
  • Weekly Coordination with Internal Sales, Marketing, & Management Team

"By outsourcing lead follow-up and cold aquisition, we can rely on continuity in generating new business!"

"Bringing a new technical product to the attention of potential customers was his mission. Quality and substantive lead generation were crucial in this endeavor. That's why Jeroen Veld, General Manager at Topicus KeyHub, enlisted the services of The Leadmasters. This strategic choice paid off handsomely. Since focusing entirely on generating new business, the results have exceeded even the most well-oiled sales machine."

Focus on quality and content

Jeroen: 'The Leadmasters can't be compared to an ordinary telemarketing agency. These individuals are specialists in their field. They can focus on quality and content in their acquisition and lead follow-up efforts, rather than just scheduling as many appointments as possible. In their conversations with our potential customers, they can quickly determine whether we are of interest as a lead or not. If so, they invest time and attention in the process of turning a lead into a customer, which in our industry can sometimes take up to six months. By the time we sit down with this potential customer, they have a genuine need, and we find that extremely valuable.'

Comprehensive approach

'In addition to their excellence in conducting sales conversations, we are also impressed by their comprehensive approach. They enhance the entire chain by actively participating in our weekly meetings with our internal Sales, Marketing & Management team. They provide valuable insights from their telephone acquisition efforts to help us generate even better leads and assist with the content of our email marketing and retargeting campaigns. It's a long-term investment that leads to a well-oiled sales machine. Moreover, their enthusiasm is infectious!'

Continuity in generating new business

"Since The Leadmasters started working with us, the number of high-quality leads has significantly increased. This is also due to their continuous and efficient approach. They provide continuity, structure, and efficiency, allowing us to consistently attract high-quality leads for our products. When we need to scale up temporarily, they help us, and when we want to focus on a new product, they adapt accordingly. Working with clear objectives and a flexible, professional organization has truly elevated our sales team to a higher level.'"


Topicus KeyHub is a fully Dutch IAM (Identity and Access Management) platform that grants access rights to teams instead of individuals. This approach enhances security for organizations while providing a user-friendly experience for employees. With the workflows and central compliance module, you can demonstrate control over Access Management at a very low total cost of ownership.